Monday, February 23, 2015

FastFood ファストフード
One of the greatest things America has given the world is ファストフード.  Some of the most popular american meals are:
1.ポテトフライ Fries

2.ワッパーバーガー Whopper Burger

3. ビッグマック BigMac

4. チキンマックナゲット Chicken McNuggets

Saturday, February 7, 2015

わたしはあめりかじんです。いちねんせいです。わたしのせんこうはいがくです。わたしはかなだじんじゃありません。My favorite Anime show is Dragon Ball Z. Instead of playing with barbie dolls, I played with Dragon Ball Z action figures. Goku was and still is my hero! I spent the better half of my child thinking that if I concentrated hard enough I could become a super saiyan. All I got for my trouble was a headache and weird looks from my family.....